Professional Coach
& Relationship Advisor
Nita Love understands that intimacy is a vital part of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Professional experienced and certified coach who specialize in helping couples and individuals overcomes barriers to intimacy and improve their communication, physical connection, and overall relationships satisfactions.
My Story
CEO of the Nita Love Experience LLC a small veteran-owned business with resources for Sexual Wellness, Education, Luxury Dating Services, Private Boutique, and Sexologist private sessions. Focused on improving relationships, love, and sexuality.
Professional in human sexuality and science of sex, human anatomy and physiology (body and mental work). Independently running a coaching consulting business targeted at individuals seeking help with sexual and relationship issues. I am professional and non-traditional relationship and intimacy coach. Trained to listen and empathize with those seeking to rekindle love, sexual enhancement and relationship growth. I am an expert regarding healthy relationships, sexual challenges, and enhancement.
My passion of sex education began as a romance party independent consultant Oct of 2017. In 2018, I began my journey as a Love and Affection Educator, Sex Coach, and Pleasure Products Professional. I learned that I loved helping my clients empower strong intimate moments and showing love in their future relationships. From 2017-2021, I adventured out with other sexual health business owners, setting up exotic painting extremes, chair tease passion parties, paint and erotic poetry events, aphrodisiacs' couple's classes, intimacy boot camp brunch, couple's yoga, couple's date night expos, and sexual health awareness events.
In 2021, I began to grow even more. Now hosting and facilitating "The Adult Fun Factory Red Room Talk" Spotify podcast. By God's grace I am able to provide additional services and tools that now only empower my clients love life but also assistance them to staying in love lasting relationship. NLE Clients experience Igloo Dome dating experiences, private coaching sessions, Je T'aime Love Bird Curriculum & Dating Card Game, and Seduire Intimate Adult Store.
Master's Marriage & Family Life Therapy- Systematic Sex Therapy- Degree Candidate
American Associate of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapist - Student ID #1470469
Bachelors of Business- South University, 2021
Official Certifications
Board Certified Sexology; American Board of Sexology, Sexologist ID#23866
Certified Loveologist- Loveology University
Relationship & Intimacy Coach -Loveology University
Certified Master Sexpert- Loveology University
Military Marriage Family Life Training (5-8 years)
​Certified Partners Training
Couple Conflict Resolution
Couple Communication
Five Love Languages
Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage
Seven Habits of Effective Relationship
Couple Event Coordinator - Gold Training
Writer and Publisher of Jetaime Love Bird Curriculum
Writer and Publisher of Women's Sexual Liberation Journal

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.